Monday, October 23, 2017

Kratom, Its History and Uses

Kratom, Its History and Uses

Kratom is derived from the leaf of a tree native to Southeast Asia. There, it has a long tradition as a gentle stimulant and pain reliever for those working in the extreme heat, as well as for relaxation and, as a social lubricant much like its botanical relative, coffee. Kratom has also been used to stop diarrhea, treat diabetes, and as a way to quit opiate addiction.

Kratom comes in three basic varieties -- white vein, green vein, and red vein -- which each have different uses and, to differing degrees, different effects depending on the consumer's personal metabolism. Kratom is known to contain more than 25 alkaloids in varying amounts.

Quality and freshness are very important. Some vendors have access to kratom farmers who consistently export a superior quality and strength of kratom to the United States from Indonesia, where most kratom grows. Quality of the leaves and the expertise in how the farmers prepare and dry the kratom is very important for connoisseurs of the leaf's effects. As in any product, most commercial grades of kratom are only a mere shadow of the effects of the most carefully selected and harvested strains of wildcrafted kratom.

The use of kratom by the natives of Thailand was first documented in Western literature in 1836 by Low. It was in wide use there long before the Dutch arrived to colonialize and trade with the area. There is some dispute over when kratom was first brought to the USA for sale. The first records appear in about the year 2000, when Americans seeking a natural herb to help overcome the widespread habituation to synthetic opioids, such as Oxycodone, began widespread importation of the herb from Indonesia where it grows both wild and in cultivated plantations.

Crushed Kratom

There are many misconceptions that have been spread concerning kratom over its history, both in the countries of its origin and in the United States, where it has saved millions of Americans from opioid and other forms of drug addiction. Kratom use here has been demonized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Drug Enforcement Administration, treating kratom as merely another drug of abuse, when actually it should more accurately be seen as evidence of American ingenuity in finding a less expensive and more effective traditional herbal treatment for the widespread opioid addiction inflicted on the U.S. public by pharmaceutical giants like Purdue Pharma.

Likewise, in the DEA's re-telling of the history of kratom in Thailand, they claim that kratom was banned there in 1943 due to the recognition that it was addictive and harmful, when in actuality, kratom was banned because it offered the Thai public a safe alternative pain reliever, which allowed them to escape addiction to the then-legal sale of opium.

Essentially, kratom was banned both in Thailand and Burma, because it was hurting the government's tax revenue from the legal sales of opium. The kratom ban in Thailand and Burma continues today to protect the military juntas' control over the sale and export of opium from these "Golden Triangle" sources of opium and heroin production. Bans of kratom in Thailand and Burma have little to do with protecting the people there from this natural traditional remedy for fatigue, diabetes, pain and many other conditions.

The truth of kratom use in the USA is also obscured by the myths spread to demonize it by those who wish to restrict the people's access to natural herbal remedies, such as kratom, when these are often far more effective and less habit-forming than conventional medical treatments for opioid addiction and many other conditions. The growing popularity of kratom is proof that kratom works and is "The People's Choice" as a safe and effective alternative for helping support a positive mood and general sense of wellbeing.

To learn more about kratom, visit

KING GREEN MALAY - Red Devil Kratom

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